Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

Unser großes "Camp X-Ray" GEWINNSPIEL!!!

Vor einigen Tagen hatten wir es ja schon angekündigt.. Nun ist es endlich soweit: Ihr könnt was gewinnen! Dank der netten Unterstützung von Koch Media verlosen wir jeweils 3 DVDs und Blu-rays pünktlich zum Home Entertainment-Start von Kristens neuestem Film

Und alles was ihr tun müsst ist folgendes: 

Schreibt uns in den Kommentaren, welcher euer Lieblingsfilm mit Kristen ist und warum genau.  Oder aber ihr teilt einfach unseren facebook-Post zum Gewinnspiel.

Teilnahmeschluss ist der 29.April 2015. Unter allen Teilnehmern werden wir die Gewinner dann losen und benachrichtigen. Klingt doch ganz einfach, oder? - Ist es auch ;) 

Wir wünschen euch viel Glück! Mitmachen lohnt sich allemal, denn diesen Film solltet ihr auf keinen Fall verpassen!

Montag, 27. April 2015

Kristen auf dem Cover der Harper's Bazaar

Was für tolle Fotos! Kristen wird das Titelbild der Juniausgabe des britischen Harper Bazaar's Magazin zieren. Die 14-seitige (!!!) Fotostrecke + Interview wird offiziell am 30. April erscheinen. Die pinken Sachen gefallen mir sehr gut, ist mal was ganz anderes im Vergleich zu den anderen Photoshootings, die wir dieses Jahr schon hatten :) Zu dem Shooting gab's übrigens schon Paparazzi-Fotos, vielleicht erinnert ihr euch..

Das wird wieder mal ein teurer Spaß für uns... ^^

Sonntag, 26. April 2015

Erste Kritiken zu "Anesthesia" + 1. Still

Am Donnerstag hatte "Anesthesia" auf dem Tribeca Film Festival in New York seine Weltpremiere. Und kam offenbar grandios bei Publikum und Kritikern an. *Yes!!* Kristen war leider nicht bei der Premiere dabei, die paar glücklichen Auserwählten, die den Film bereits sehen konnten haben aber ihre ersten Meinungen zum Film (und natürlich Kristen) auf Twitter preisgegeben. Hier mal ein toller Zusammenschnitt. (source)
Klicken für größer
Kristens Part scheint sehr klein zu sein, dennoch soll sie aber eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Auch die Fachpresse hat schon ihre Meinung geäußert und Kristen wird in höchsten Tönen gelobt *Applaus* 
Hier ein Ausschnitt aus der Rezension von
You either make a leap and strive to seem like these words come naturally to you or you don’t, and most of the players pass this test, particularly Stewart, who has a nearly film-stopping monologue in a counselor’s office where she unloads all of her character’s rage and resentment about life.
Nelson shows his skill with performance in this scene, letting Stewart go as deep and as hard as she can into Sophie’s darkest feelings. Stewart’s Sophie is so despairing about what she sees around her that she has taken to burning herself with a curling iron in order to feel some control over her life, and Stewart makes this self-punishment seem gruelingly convincing and necessary.
Stewart is so tough and harsh here that she throws “Anesthesia” a bit off balance. What she does in her scene with the counselor is so riveting that it’s disappointing to go back to Mol’s and Stoll’s characters, neither of whom have much of a reason to be here except as ensemble window dressing. 

Rob unterwegs in LA - Wochenende

Für mehr Fotos, wie immer hier klicken: source

Donnerstag, 23. April 2015

Neues Rob-Interview mit F-Magazine

Da Rob in dem Interview viel über LIFE spricht, gehen wir jetzt einfach mal davon aus, dass es während der Berlinale geführt worden ist :) Das Interview ist eine Üebrsetzung. Ursprünglich wurde es im griechischen F-Magazine veröffentlicht.

"I think I've gone crazy."
He wasn't looking for the easy way... A role that was more like a trap and his progress as an actor is very different from the usual. He is also unbereably good looking!!! Eyes, smile, hair and a talent that makes an effort to be revealed, but I know for sure that it exists!!!! LIFE will be his next movie in which he’ll prove it. Stop doing what you are doing and pay attention: Robert Pattinson talks…

Question: "You have to know that there are similarities between James Dean’s life and yours."
"For me the story of James Dean and of Dennis Stock are two completely different stories. The story of James Dean, maybe because I’ve lived it up to a certain point, doesn’t particularly interest me. From the very beginning I identified more with the character of Dennis Stock."

Question: "How do you see James Dean? Were you inspired by him?"
 "Almost all actors go through a phase that they have an obsession with James Dean. His movies had a huge influence. Some things are exaggerated, but that has to do with the fact that he had just started. You can see his fearless experimentations. Some of his movements are very gentle, like ballet movements, and others are blatantly strong. I’ve seen a lot of his photos and it’s interesting that he never took a bad picture. This doesn’t have to do just with his face. He always knew how to stand in front of the camera. In 1955 people were not constantly photographed and he wasn’t that famous yet, but he just knew that his face took good pictures. He was very good in controlling that."

Question: "How is it to be photographed? Do you like it?"
"I’m very bad at that. There was a time when the first Twilight movie was released, I wanted to show a certain profile. When you can control it it’s fine, but when they photograph you all the time, you lose control. Suddenly you are afraid and you become an introvert. At the moment I’m in that phase “Don’t take any pictures of me!”

Question: "How was it to work together with Dane DeHaan?"
 "I would not have participated in the movie if they hadn't found the right person to portray James Dean. When I found out it was Dane, I wanted to do the movie, because I like him and also I seldom have the chance to play with someone my own age. His role is hard. Especially with the make-up and the wig. He even had fake ear-lobes. It was crazy! But he’s a nice guy. In reality the relationship between James Dean and Dennis Stock was very weird. They were so different but so are Dane and I, but eventually we got along really well."

Question: "Is there a place in the world or some people in your life with who you can be yourself, who are a stable basis for you?"
 "I only experience this with my friends and family. It’s impossible for me to find a stable place when I move around eight months a year. I had my house in Los Angeles, from where I moved recently, for two years and I didn't even furnish it."

Question: "Did you ever have a close relationship with a photographer or reporter like Dean had?"
 "Not with a photographer. When Twilight just had been released there were some reporters I had a good relationship with. There was an editor of ‘Entertainment Weekly’ who took my first interview and it was very good, because I really liked him. We went out together to a bar and became drunk; for sure not something I would do now. When you have already given enough interviews an editor can push you in different ways to get some news out of you that is bad for you."

Question: "Do you miss that you can’t go to a bar to relax?"
Rob: "Also that has to do with the image you want to show to the public. When you feel so much pressure, you understand that the public doesn’t care about something different. Everything drives them crazy. You say something and the reaction to anything I do is massive."

Question: "How do you feel when your personal life is projected like a soap-opera?"
 "It’s weird. Although I have made huge efforts not to talk about my personal life it made no difference. They just made various things up. When you are part of a story, an article someone else writes you can’t do anything about it. Even when they don’t take photos of you, they simply use old photos. Last year I was thinking about the fact that they didn't take any photos anymore, so they wouldn't write stories about me anymore, because the public wouldn't be interested in an article without a photograph."

Question: "Dennis Stock made a lot of sacrifices in his personal life for his career. Would you do that?"
 "I don’t know, but I think that Dennis Stock pretended that he had sacrificed a lot. But what happened is that he himself was scared that he was not such a good artist as he thought he was. So he was looking for excuses. The first thing that attracted to me in the script was that it’s about a father who didn’t want his child. He’s a tragic character."

Question: "Did you like to go back to the 50’s? Is it an era you wished to have lived in?"
 "I’m not really a 50’s type of person. I wouldn’t have had a problem with the 60’s. I’m not very good in denying myself things and that was what the 50’s were about. An era with restraints."

Question: "So you would also have gotten into an argument with the director of the studio like James Dean did?"
"Yes, but probably I would have said something like “I’m not a rebel, I didn't understand, please… “

Question: "So you'd like the self-indulgent era of the 80’s more?"
 "No, no. Neither that era fits me. I’m very lazy for that kind of lifestyle."

Question: "Have you ever used disguises?"
"The last two weeks I said that I won’t wear a cap and use disguises anymore, because it can really drive you crazy when you always dress with the purpose of hiding yourself; that influences you psychologically. I understood that the last few weeks and I’m going to take care of it."

Question: "So it’s better to face the paparazzi?"
 "To be honest, the paparazzi are not really the problem. I remember that for years I was afraid. People look at you all the time, you feel that they judge you and that is probably what they do. You shouldn’t check what they say about you on the internet. That is the worst thing of all."

Question: "Have you done that?"
 "Anyone would do that. It’s the worst habit. If for example they talk about you in the room next to you, you’d probably try to listen to what they are saying. And in the end you’ll wind up not leaving your room anymore and surf the internet. I think you have to do this to remind yourself who you are because in the end you live in another weird reality, you live in hotel rooms all the time and you become more or less a hermit…"

Question: "Do you not have anyone with you? Friend or family?"
 "Yes, some take their friends and family with them. My friends and family have their jobs. But I wouldn’t want them with me anyway. It’s a sure way to destroy a friendship. It’s like you say to your friend: “Come and be my assistant!”

Question: "And how did you stay psychologically sane?"
 "I think I have gone crazy…." (laughs)

Question: "How many similar proposals did you get after Twilight and how important was it for you to play other roles?"
 "After Twilight I only did things that interested me. The last 8 years there were only 2-3 scripts that I liked and in the end I didn't get the roles. But it was not that I was trying to move into a certain direction. It just happened!"

Question: "What is the most important life lesson that you got the last few years?"
"Someone asked me what advice I would give to the younger me. I don’t know. If you say to yourself “don’t worry about this or that”, it’s sure that you would always worry about something else. We need that fear. I prefer to be someone who has to confront his many fears instead of someone who has the illusion he doesn't fear anything. I like to take hurdles, as small as they might be."

Question: "What are you afraid of?"
 "Everything (laughs). Even walking in the street."


Kristen zu Gast bei James Corden

In der Nacht zu Dienstag auf Mittwoch war Kristen in der "The Late Late Show with James Corden" zu Gast. James Corden kennt ihr sicherlich auch als Schauspieler und seit einigen Wochen hat er nun selbst eine amerikanische Late-Night-Show bekommen. Ich finde ihn sehr sympathisch, aber welcher Brite ist das nicht ;) Ebenfalls zu Gast waren außerdem Ben McKenzie und Mark Ronson (Uptown-Funk woohoo^^).

Die Show ist nicht wie die üblichen Late-Night-Shows, in denen Kristen alleine ihre 5 Sendeminuten hat, sondern alle unterhalten sich zusammen. Daher lohnt es sich auf jeden Fall das gesamte Video zu schauen!
Kristen spricht über ihre Geburtstagsparty, ihre Tattoos & über ihr Vorsprechen zum Woody Allen -Film.

Hier ein kurzes Backstage-Video von Kristen in der Photo-Booth.

Fotos via

Montag, 20. April 2015

Deutscher Camp X-Ray Trailer

Bei den vielen vielen Post zu Camp X-Ray ist dieser hier glaub ich untergegangen! Es gibt einen deutschen Trailer! Es ist der gleiche wie der amerikanische, dennoch find ich es gut, das alles mal auf deutsch zu hören und sich schonmal an die deutschen Stimmen zu gewöhnen, denn 100% verstanden, habe ich bei der OV auch nicht ;-) 

Kristen StewarT (wie schwer ist das eigentlich?^^)

"Camp X-Ray" - BilderPost

Während der deutsche DVD/Blu-ray-Start immer näher rückt, wollen wir euch natürlich so richtig schön auf den Film einstimmen :) Mit unserer Kritik am Freitag haben wir angefangen, heute gibt es einen sehr schönen Bilder-Post. (wir danken Koch Media für die Bilder)
Die Bilder sind sehr groß, einfach auf's Bild klicken ;)
Und nach dem *KLICK* findet ihr noch weitere beeindruckende Setaufnahmen und Stills.

Neue Bilder von Rob - 17. April

Bei dem schönen Wetter kann man es niemandem verübeln draußen etwas Sport zu treiben. Ähnliches haben sich wohl auch Rob und Freundin Tahliah gedacht :)


Nach der Sport Session hatten sie wohl Hunger^^ via

So, nun haben wir sie wieder genug "gestalkt". Ab auf die Couch (und Arrow gucken :D)

Neues "Camp X-Ray" BTS Video

Pünktlich zum Home Entertainment Start von "Camp X-Ray" am Donnerstag, 23. April, haben wir hier ein neues Behind The Scenes Video für euch.

Es ist ein Making Of Video, heißt alle wichtigen Charaktere/Schauspieler werden interviewt. Sie sprechen u.a. was ihre Rolle ausmacht, warum sie unbedingt ein Teil vom Projekt sein wollten und was den Film besonders macht. Ein toller Einblick und Vorgeschmack auf den Film :) Wir haben unsere Empfehlung ja schon abgegeben :D (Camp X-Ray Rezension)

via source

Kristen war beim Coachella Festival!

Während Rob sich entschied das 1. Wochenende des Coachella-Festivals zu besuchen (sicherlich wegen FKA twigs' Show), hat sich Kristen das 2. WE ausgesucht. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass Jenny Lewis gestern eine Show dort hatte, und Kristen ja bekanntlich einer ihrer größten Fans ist ;) Jedenfalls schien sie die Zeit dort zu genießen (wer tut das nicht?) und hing entspannt mit ihren Freunden ab!

weitere Coachella-Bilder gibt's hier

Neues/altes Foto vom "Bel Ami"-Set

sehr sweet ;) Bel Ami wurde vor 5 Jahren gedreht :O Wie die Zeit vergeht...

Freitag, 17. April 2015

Unsere Film-Rezension zu "CAMP X-RAY"

Wir hatten das große Glück, Dank der netten Zusammenarbeit mit Koch Media, Camp X-Ray schon vor DVD- & Bluray-Start sehen zu können - und wir sind mehr als begeistert!  Deshalb war es mal wieder Zeit für eine Blog-eigene Movie Rezension... *And Action*

Peter Sattler´s neuestes Projekt, "Camp X-Ray", wurde erstmals beim Sundance Film Festival im Januar 2014 vorgestellt. Bekannt ist der Graphic Designer u. a. für Werke wie "Walk the Line" und "Star Trek". Nun wagte er sich zum ersten Mal an die Herausforderung des Regie-Führens und gibt mit Camp X-Ray sein Directional Debut.

Bei einem Budget von ~1 Mio. US $ musste für den Film nach Entstehung natürlich ordentlich die Werbetrommel gerührt werden. Kristen, die sich für ihre Herzensprojekte immer einsetzt, war da natürlich an vorderster Front dabei. Etliche TV-Auftritte, Interviews etc. hat sie gegeben, um dem Projekt die nötige Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen. Nachlesen könnt ihr natürlich alles dazu unter dem Label: Movie - Camp X-Ray.

Eine ganz grobe Filmbeschreibung gibt es jetzt, zum besseren Verständnis:
Die Hauptgefreite Amy Cole (Kristen Stewart) wird im Guantanamo Bay Gefangenenlager eingesetzt. Während ihres Aufenthalts freundet sie sich mit einem der Häftlinge an, woraufhin ihre einstigen Überzeugungen an Kraft verlieren.

Nun aber wieder zur eigentlichen Rezension - nach dem *KLICK* - :)

'Still Alice - Mein Leben ohne gestern' DVD und Blu-ray News

Neben 'Camp XRay' können wir uns noch auf eine weitere Kristen DVD/Blu-ray in diesem Jahr freuen!

Nicht ganz pünktlich zu Weihnachten wird es die 'Still Alice - Mein Leben ohne gestern' DVD und Blu-ray ab dem 31. Dezember 2015 im deutschen Handel geben!  Woohooo :D

Vorbestellen könnt er beide Exemplare bereits bei Amazon: DVD & Blu-ray

via Amazon 1 2

Donnerstag, 16. April 2015

First Look in Anesthesia

Jaaaa.... da war doch was letztes Jahr ;) Kristen hat letzten Frühling für ein paar Tage und ganz ohne Ankündigung "Anesthesia" gedreht und auf dem Tribeca Festival wird der Film am 22. April Premiere feiern (wir berichteten). Nun gibt es als Einstimmung auf das Festival einen Zusammenschnitt des Line-Ups. Und ein ganz kurzen Blick auf Kristen können wir auch schon erhaschen :) Einfach Vorspulen auf 02:47

oder einfach die GIFs anschauen ;)
via tumblr

Kristen ziert die deutsche INTERVIEW

Die scheinen wohl große Kristen-Fans zu sein, denn falls ihr euch noch erinnert, schon im September war Kristen auf dem Interview-Titelblatt :)

Heute haben wir ganz zufällig beim Zeitungskiosk Kristen entdeckt! Sie ist ja auch schwer zu übersehen ;) Es ist das gleiche Photoshooting und auch das gleiche Interview wie bei der amerikanischen Ausgabe, das Interview führte Punk-Legende Patti Smith! Nur das alles kriegt ihr jetzt in a) deutscher Übersetzung und b) für "nur" 6,00€ anstatt die 10,00+ die man sonst für die importierten amerikanischen Zeitschriften hinblättert ^^ Also nichts wie hin zum Kiosk!

Montag, 13. April 2015

Rob @Coachella 2015

Einige von euch wissen vielleicht, dass sich am vergangenen Wochenende mal wieder DAS Festival Kaliforniens abgespielt hat. COACHELLA --> für uns ja schon immer ein tolles Fest :D Irgendwann fliegen wir auch in die warme Sonne und hören uns die bekanntesten Acts an und genießen das übergroße Riesenrad, diese riesige Raupe und die fantastische Aussicht... Bis dahin haben wir hier ein paar Bilder von Rob mit Freundin FKA beim Tanzen und Spaß haben. (Auch am kommenden Wochenende öffnet Coachella seine Tore. Ob wir Rob nochmal "sehen" werden, können wir euch aber nicht versprechen.

11. April via

image hostimage host

Und mit FKA bei Moschino´s Coachella Party am selben Tag/Abend via

12. April

Hier findet ihr noch zwei witzige "dancing Rob" Videos :D 

So und nun kann ich glücklich und zufrieden nach der Doppelfolge Arrow Season 3 ins Bett fallen... Wer´s nicht kennt - unbedingt schauen! Ich sag nur: 

Stephen Amell


Mit einem Klick auf s Bild seht ihr meine derzeitige Lieblingsübung - nur zum Ansehen natürlich :D 

So genug Eigenwerbung...^^...Und zur Info: es sind auch (hübsche) Frauen dabei, die, wenn nötig, auch ordentlich den Arsch versohlen können.

Und noch ein Fernsehtipp.. ;)

Montagabends ist doch meist eh TV-Flaute, oder? ^^Aber nicht heute! Denn um 20:15 Uhr, zur perfekten Prime-Time, läuft auf ARTE
Bel Ami
Korrigiert mich, wenn ich falsch liegen sollte, aber ich glaube, das ist sogar eine Free-TV-Premiere! Und dann noch OHNE Werbung *Yay* Im Kino ist der Film ja leider etwas untergegangen, und vielleicht gibt's ja auch noch Leute unter euch, die sich einen Film lieber erstmal anschauen wollen, bevor sie ihn auf DVD kaufen, ist das eure Gelegenheit! :)

(Das Plakat ist schrecklich!!)

Sonntag, 12. April 2015

Fernseh-Tipp für den Sonntagnachmittag :)

Ich denke, ich lüge nicht, wenn ich sage, dass Adventureland bei jedem von euch auf der Liste der Kristen-Lieblingsfilme ganz oben mit dabei ist :) Der Film macht einfach immer wieder Spaß. Der gesamte Cast ist megalustig, die Musik und die komplette 80er-Jahre Stimmung ist super und auch die Story ist so schön, dass man sich den Film nicht oft genug anschauen kann :D Also, auf keinen Fall verpassen!
Heute um 14:00 Uhr auf ProSieben.

Fall ihr übrigens interessiert seid an dem coolen Games-Games-Games T-Shirt, könnt ihr euch mal hier durchklicken ;)

Freitag, 10. April 2015

Großartiges neues Kristen-Interview

Und zwar mit indiewire. Es ist ein sehr langes Interview, aber da heute das Wochenende anfängt, solltet ihr euch auf jeden Fall die Zeit nehmen und euch alles durchlesen. Kristen spricht viel über ihre zukünftige Projekte, und darüber, dass sie deshalb kleinere Produktionen bevorzugt, weil sie es aufregender findet, nicht zu wissen, ob ein Film erfolgreich werden wird oder nicht.

It's hard to believe that Kristen Stewart turns 25 on April 9. With the "Twilight" franchise behind her, she has been enjoying the freedom to make her own choices without worrying about commercial considerations. She recently scored raves as Oscar-winner Julianne Moore's daughter in "Still Alice," and has lined up a healthy slate of movies, from Oscar-winners Woody Allen and Ang Lee to indies Kelly Reichardt ("Wendy and Lucy") and Drake Doremus ("Crazy Love").
Truth is, Stewart has always made smart choices. Clearly, she is no longer chasing such studio efforts as "Snow White and the Huntsman," a franchise she has left behind in more ways than one. And while some of her indie efforts ("On the Road," "Yellow Handkerchief," "Camp X-Ray") proved to be disappointments, they were noble ones--and she learned from all of them.

Her latest film, Cannes competition entry "Clouds of Sils Maria," is an intimate English language "All About Eve" variation set in Europe and directed by French auteur Olivier Assayas ("Summer Hours," "Carlos"). She plays Valentine, the high-powered loyal assistant to aging film and theater actress Maria Enders (Juliette Binoche) who is preparing to take on the older role in a revival of a stage two-hander in which she dazzled years ago as the manipulative younger assistant who seduces her boss. A rising young actress will play the part Maria originated (Stewart was up for the role more resembling her that is played by Chloe Grace Moretz). As the actress and assistant spend weeks isolated in a mountain aerie reading through the play, they each struggle with conflicting emotions. 
While Binoche had challenged Assayas to write a film based on women, the director left the actresses to figure out their roles, and Oscar-winner Binoche ("The English Patient") pushed Stewart to dig deep. Stewart also had a real tattoo etched into her forearm for the movie. "I think she has an amazing career in front of her," Binoche told Indiewire, "and she's gonna surprise us."

Stewart and I talked in the deserted courtyard of the Los Angeles County of Museum of Art during a screening of "Clouds of Sils Maria," with her reps at one table nearby, her stilettos and smartphone on another. She admits that all actresses limit the amount of time they spend teetering on spike heels--she's wearing flats. 
Clouds of Sils Maria
Anne Thompson: You had gone to Cannes with both “On the Road" and "Clouds of Sils Maria." For which you are the first American actress to win a César, for supporting actress. What was that like? Not something you were expecting? 

Kristen Stewart: No. Those Frenchies [laughs] don’t like to pass accolades that are not their own. I was really shocked. Even Juliette was like, “Hey, it’s really cool that you got nominated. It’s insane that you got nominated, actually.” If you look at it, she looks more shocked. When they said my name, literally she screamed into my ear so loudly I had no idea what was going on. I didn’t even hear my name be called. I was like, “Wait, what?” She was like, “You won! You won!” She was so shocked, that that’s how I gauged my reaction. “Wow, this must be a really big deal, because Juliette cannot believe this.”

You deserved it. This is my kind of movie. But I respect your past choices too. There’s a modus operandi there — something you’re looking for — and it’s not comfort. 

That’s always quite difficult to find. You could find a through line there... I’ve been lucky enough to play characters that really stick out as people that are telling unique stories. I read a lot. I get sent a lot of scripts that are very surface, things that we’ve seen before, and, recently, really incredibly talented people have called me to help them make their movies. But those things really do stick out, and I’ve been lucky enough to jump on them.

In other words, there’s an enormous pile. You’re wading through it, a lot of it’s dreck, and the ones you’ve done are the ones that have popped out at you as the smarter thing. What’s wrong with the stuff you’re getting sent, for the most part?

Probably just that they’re fairly archaic, boring, previously consumed ideas of what a woman can be in a mass-consumed story. I’ve done a lot of independent, smaller things recently that usually don’t lack interesting stories to tell about women.
You have lined up some impressive projects. I feel a maturity coming across now. I know you valued the “Twilight” franchise and the freedom it gave you — what they call “fuck-you money.” So you’re able to say, “I’ll do a Kelly Reichardt movie.” Can you give me a sense of what you’ve learned from these directors you’ve worked with in the last year?

I’ve been lucky enough, at a really young age, to work with people who affirm what I believe in, every catalyst that has existed for me. Everything that’s ever kicked me in the ass and gone, “That’s what you should be doing these movies for.” It’s always been a director; it’s always been somebody who’s telling a story who, subliminally, infuses a project with this honor that is just impossible to deny and disrespect. Therefore, you just give everything that you can to it.

Would David Fincher qualify with "Panic Room" 

Absolutely. That was my second movie, and it starts there.
And Jon Favreau with "Zathura?" I discovered you in those two films.
Yeah. Those are two really great directors I worked with at a really young age. I’ve been shaped by every step that I’ve taken to the point that I’m in now. I mean, a whole lot of it has to do with luck, because I happen to have worked with these people who are incredibly influential, and in the right ways, but, at this point, I’ve carved out and identify very distinctly what I get out of what I do and why I do it, and it’s so easy to identify with or discard people who are with that or against it.
Kristen Stewart in "Clouds of Sils Maria"
Kristen Stewart in "Clouds of Sils Maria"
How about Olivier Assayas? What does he bring? 

He was so hands-off, to be honest with you. It felt like the greatest steps that he took with us was the work he did with the script, and then just casting. Ultimately, he sort of let us live within that.

What was the day-to-day process like working it out with Juliette Binoche?

Any question that was very critical to us moving on — any question that was so completely necessary for us to ask that we did not get an answer to, that was frustrating — maybe there were days where I went home and went, “I have no idea. I’m not sure about that scene. I don’t know how I felt about it. I don’t know what it says.” I now look at it and go, “Oh, my God. You absolute, masterful, conniving, manipulative, knowing genius. How did you put us there?” At the time, I was questioning if he was even really aware of the complexities that he was writing, and now I see that he must have been. I’ve never even talked about what the movie’s “about” to him still, to this day.

Does he shoot with multiple cameras?

No, it’s two. Mainly it’s one-to-two cameras. And he shoots a lot. Very decisive. Really.

You’ve made a film with a French director, and it’s a very European movie. Does that appeal to you for the future? 

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
So, Woody Allen: is that something you’d wanted to do for a long time? What character are you playing?

Yeah, why not? Actually, to be honest, I don’t know how much I’m allowed to talk about it. They sent me a script and had somebody sit outside my house. When I finished reading, I had to go back out and hand it to them. The scenes that I auditioned to get the part, I had no idea the context of them. I had one conversation with him.

He leaves you alone, too. Cate Blanchett was a tad freaked out on "Blue Jasmine." But it worked out okay for her.

Apparently so. Very French of him. It did, yeah [laughs].

You wrapped Nima Nourizadeh's “American Ultra” (Lionsgate) with your pal from “Adventureland,” Jesse Eisenberg? (That whole cast was amazing--Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig and Ryan Reynolds.)

It was awesome. It’s finished. It’s very commercial, actually, which is different for me lately. Very funny, which is also different for me lately. It's an ultra-violent, really broadly comedic love story. Jesse’s the star of the movie, and he’s so incredible that there’s no way that movie isn’t fantastic.

Working with Kelly Reichardt: what was that like? She’s a smart lady.

Oh, man. She’s a genius! I wish I had more time with her.

She’ll have you studying the Structuralists. What part did you play for her?

Honestly. She is a very definitive filmmaker. Not a find-it director; she knows what she’s looking for, always. I played a part in a movie that is primarily about driven characters who think they know who they are and are very desirous of something that they can’t have.

That sounds like Kelly Reichardt.

Yeah, right? And I went into this little bar in Montana when we were shooting, and there were a bunch of townies in there playing pool while we were shooting. They were like, “What’s the movie about? What are you doing here? We know you’re here, so tell us what the movie’s about.” And I could not tell them in a sentence what this movie was about. And that’s what I love about the movie, is that I literally was, “Well…” and I said what I just said. That speaks volumes to the way that she makes movies.

And then there’s “Equals”?

Which I just saw, and it’s also quite good. Drake [Doremus]’s mentality is entirely European.

Well, he keeps the camera way back, right?

He’s long-lensing it. Even if its right in your face, the camera is in the back. Everything else is blurred, and all you zone in on is the face. What I look for in an American director is what is more standardized in Europe and France: people that unabashedly make things with full risk and religious faith for what they need to do, rather than what’s going to make them rich and famous. It’s just easier to find there, because it’s more typical. But, here, I am gravitating towards and find the same things in American directors. It’s just that it’s more rare.

Look, you have figured it out at a young age. It takes most people a while. Matthew McConaughey took a while to get to where you are. Although I think people in the industry are starting to figure out that the studio model is not where you want to go.

It’s just not interesting. It’s just safe. It’s just a sure-fire bet, and when is that exciting, if you know you’re going to win?

“Equals” was shot in Singapore. Why that location?

It takes place in a sort of alternate world. It’s not necessarily set in the future, but it is very surrealistic and sci-fi, and the world is very otherworldly, so it’s good to shoot there.

You’ve been exposed to a number of exotic places. When you’re on assignment, do you actually get a chance to go out and see the world?

Yeah. [Laughs] You might not think so, but especially when we shoot in places. When there’s publicity, all I see are hotel-room walls. But shooting in a place really allows you to emerge yourself in a culture. That’s one way I’m so lucky. From a young age, I’ve been able to live in Portland and New York and the middle of the country, in the middle of nowhere, Columbus, Ohio for a while. It shapes you.

And what would be the most exotic place that had the most impact on you?

[Laughs] I love working in New Orleans. We did “American Ultra” and “On the Road” and a movie called “Yellow Handkerchief.”

Sony's Ang Lee movie "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" is about Bravo squad members who come home as Victory Tour heroes after an embedded Fox News crew videos their firefight against Iraqi insurgents. It's adapted by "Slumdog Millionaire" Oscar-winner Simon Beaufoy from Ben Fountain's novel and stars Garrett Hedlund and Steve MartinWhat part do you play? It shoots later this summer in Texas?

Yeah, and it takes place in Texas. I play Billy Lynn's [Joe Alwyn] sister, I act as a mouthpiece for anyone who might disagree with why the war is being fought, and also for anyone who might be closely related to someone who’s fought for something they don’t stand behind. I’m the one person in the whole movie that asks the obvious question.

And meeting Ang Lee must have been great. I’ve interviewed him many times, and he’s a very smart, special man. You don’t just go from one genre to the other without a certain finesse.

I’ve only talked to him once on the phone. He was really, really nice. I know! It’s insane.
In "Sils Maria" you are playing a character, the assistant to a star— the opposite of who you are, in a way. You know her well, because women like this are in your life. That must have given you a little degree of comfort. At the same time, you’re digging into a very intimate, very precise kind of duet with this superb actress. It must have been challenging.

The easy part for me, personally, was being someone who could take care of a woman in her position. I would be the best that you could hire as an actress! Personally, I have that experience, and I have that innate, protective nature, because I know what it is to be in that position. That was fun for me, because it was fun to use this mouthpiece as… it’s not like a grand statement. It’s a pretty obvious statement in the movie that we’re making about the surface nature of the business, but the initial attraction was to be able to service somebody in a more similar position to what I am in, and also speak to this aspect of the business that I know so much about in a very candid way.

It rang true to me.

Good. And, subsequently, looking back at the movie — I saw it at Cannes for the second time — just talking about it with journalists and Olivier after the fact, it really did develop into something that was quite heavy. At first I thought it was funny — it was a personal glimpse into something that was esoteric and interesting, because not too many people do what they do. But, at the same time, getting some distance, I look at it and go, “Wow. That’s quite a lofty burden to bear.” And it really does speak to how we consume other artistic individuals, and it really does speak to how we idolize and discard things.
I found that very moving, but I identified with the Binoche character. I don’t think your character is superficial. I see her as devious and manipulative and easily identified with the character she’s reading when they run the lines. That was disturbing for her, so you’re doing two things at once. And there was an erotic charge between the characters.

Yes. They both manipulate each other sort of subconsciously throughout the entire movie.

SPOILERS BELOW But Valentine loves Maria right? She digs it when Maria does well. She's proud of her. 

Absolutely. They both love each other so much. One important thing for me was to make Valentine somebody that was not someone typical. Not someone who you would expect to service another, but somebody that you were curious about — somebody that you go, “Okay, so what has put you in this position? You wouldn’t typically follow suit with somebody you adhere to.” It’s clearly somebody who stands up for what she thinks and what she believes in, yet she’s taking this role as an assistant, and therefore should be voiceless.

Somehow she’s living through the other woman, but then, in this forced, intimate situation, her own needs come to the surface. She needs respect.

Absolutely. I think the only reason she’s there is because, if that respect is not mutually required, then she should be elsewhere.

She bails, and I love the way Assayas leaves it. It seems mysterious, but she quit!

She quit. For me, the entire movie she was trying to make points to her, to get across to her, verbally, and Maria might consider her opinions and thoughts for a moment, and in the next moment they are gone. All that she’s left with are her really personal and narrowly seen thoughts. By the end, Valentine’s like, “I’ve been screaming at you for an entire movie. Now I’m going to show you what I mean and I’m going to leave. So that is what I mean.”