Montag, 10. August 2015

Gerücht: Rob bei LIFE Premiere zum 41. Deauville American Film Festival dabei

Laut einigen französischen Webseiten und Magazinen sollen Rob, Dane DeHaan und Anton Corbjin bei dem 41. Deauville American Film Festival dabei sein. Dort wird französische LIFE-Premiere am 5. September stattfinden. Eine offizielle Bestätigung fehlt allerdings noch.
Sobald wir weitere Infos dazu haben, erfahrt ihr es auf dem Blog.

From Télérama

It is also rumored that the evening of Saturday, September 5th will be warm, with the presentation of Life, Anton Corbijn, the story of the friendship between James Dean and Dennis Stock Life photographer whose pictures did much to the nascent glory comedian. Dutch filmmaker will be there and his two actors “hot”, Robert Pattinson (the photographer) who needs no introduction, and Dane DeHaan (Jimmy Dean), “it boy” and future Valérian Luc Besson. Life released in stride on 9 September

From Paris Match
Rooooooooooooooobert. If madness “Twilight” saga in which he played the vampire Edward Cullen is gradually subsided, the English actor Robert Pattinson always moves crowds. Fans will discover on 5 September in Deauville, in “Life” Anton Corbijn. The film will be presented at the 41st Deauville Film Festival, in the presence of Robert Pattinson, therefore, but also the filmmaker and actor Dane DeHaan (“Chronicle”), which will soon end up in “Valerian” Luc Besson. Presented at the last Berlin Film Festival, “Life” tells the story of friendship between the photographer Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson) and actor James Dean (Dane DeHaan). “Life” will be released on 9 September.

Das Festival findet vom 5. bis 14. September statt.

via source