Kristen ist laut Forbes auf Platz 2 gelandet.
Kristen Stewart
Returns $40.60 for every $1 paid.
Stewart performed an unusual feat this year: She topped our highest-paid actress list and almost ranked as the actress who offers the best return for her pay. Even though Stewart earned $25 million to appear in the last two Twilight films, she still offers a good return on investment.
Rob nur knapp hinter ihr auf Rang 4
Returns $31.70 for every $1 paid.
Pattinson is the second Twilight star to appear on our list this year. He falls below co-star Kristen Stewart because his one non-Twilight movie that we counted (Water for Elephants) wasn't as big a hit as Stewart's Snow White and the Huntsman.
Nicht schlecht Herr Specht äh Frau Stewart und Herr Pattinson :D (Taylor ist übrigens auf Platz 6 gelandet.)
via robstendreams