Ach so..Kristen's Socken-Style schreit ja förmlich nach neuem TREND, oder?? ;-)
PuiYuWang: unbelievable! I met Kristen Stewart !!! Kristen is super pretty, has perfect skin and she's not very tall. Kristen asked us "how are you guys doing" :D
Fan Encounter:
Lucas(cute guy who took picture with Kristen) went golf with his friend PuiYuWang (the lucky girl) and others. They were in their car and saw Kristen with other friends(Scout included) passing by. They got off the car and asked Kristen if they can take pictures with her and Kristen agreed and smiled and posed with them all the time. Kristen asked them how you guys doing. Kristen's friends also asked them if they're happy. Lucas said Kristen is just so nice and she and her friends are super cool person. Before she was leaving, she waved to them and also she is very beautiful in real person and her skin is perfect.
via RobstenDreams